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System of National Accounts of El Salvador (SCNES), Base year 2005
1 Annual National Accounts
1.1 Goods and Services. Annual
1.1.1 Gross Domestic Product: Production, Expenditure and Income. At current prices
1.1.2 GDP: Production and expenditure. Chained volume indexes (year of reference 2014)
1.1.3 Value Added by economic activity. Chained volume indexes (year of reference 2014)
1.1.4 Production accounts by economic activity. At current prices
1.1.5 Gross National Income GNI and it´s allocation. At current prices
1.1.6 GDP, Gross National Income and Goss National Disposable Income per capita. At current prices
1.1.7 Supply and Use Tables (Only in spanish)
1.1.8 Input Output Matrix (Only in Spanish)
1.1.9 Gross Domestic Product. Production and expenditure. Retropolated series 1990-2018 (Only in spanish)
1.2 Institutional Sectors. Annual
1.2.1 Integrated Economic Accounts Tables. (Only in Spanish)
1.2.2 Cross-classification by industry and institucional sectors. (Only in spanish)
1.2.3 Series of Integrated Economic Accounts for the Total Economy, by Institucional Sector and for the Rest of de World Account. (Only in spanish)
1.3 Satellite Accounts and Analysis
1.3.1 Informal economy statistics
2 Quarterly National Accounts
2.1 Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (Q GDP). Production and expenditure current prices
2.2 Quarterly GDP. Production and expenditure. Chained volume indexes. Original series (reference year 2014)
2.3 Quarterly GDP. Production and expenditure. Chained volume indexes. Seasonally adjusted (reference Year 2014)
2.4 Quarterly GDP. Contributions to annual rates of chained volume indexes. Seasonally adjusted index
2.5 Quarterly Gross Domestic Product. Production and expenditure. Retropolated series 1990-2004
3 Monthly Production Indicators
3.1 Industrial Production Index (IPI). Seasonally adjusted
3.2 Economic Activity Chained Indexes (EACI). Seasonally adjusted
3.3 Economic Activity Chained Index (EACI). Original series
3.4 Other production indicators
4 Prices Indicators
4.1 Consumer Price Index (CPI)
4.2 Índice Subyacente de Inflación (ISI) Base dic. 2009.
4.3 Producer Price Index (PPI)
5 Estadísticas del Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales Base 1990 (DISCONTINUED DUE TO NEW METHODOLOGY)
5.1 Economic Activity Volume Index. Global and sectors. Period Jan/1990 - Dec/2017
5.2 IVAE cycle trend, twelve months moving average. Period jan / 1991 - dec / 2017
5.3 Industrial Production Volumen Index (IVOPI). Cycle trend. Period jan / 1990 - dec / 2017
5.4 Consumer Prices Index (CPI) base dic. 1992. Period dic 1992 - dic.2009
5.5 Industrial Prices Index. January 1998-oct 2017
5.6 Whosales Prices Index. January 1978-oct.2017
5.7 Quarterly Gross Domestic Product by Main Divisions. Period I /1990 - III /2017
5.8 National Disposable Income and it´s allocation. At current prices
5.9 Gross Domestic Product by economic activity. At constants prices of 1990
5.1 Production accounts by economic activity. Current prices
5.11 Global percápita indicators
6.1 Overall supply And demand. At constant prices of 1990
6.2 Overall supply and demand. At current prices
7 Statistics of the System of National Accounts Base 1962 (No update due to validity for base 1990)
7.1 National Accounts Statistics Base 1962, and related indicators
8 Socioeconomic Variables
8.1 Employment
8.2 Unemployment
8.3 Wages/Earnigns