Family remittances. Monthly
Million of US$
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Next Date of Publication :
27 January 2025
- TECHNICAL NOTE ON FAMILY REMITTANCES STATISTICS The main sources of information for the compilation of statistics on family remittances are banks, the Federation of Savings and Credit Cooperative Associations of El Salvador (FEDECACES), the Federation of Credit Unions and Workers' Banks, S.C. de R.L. de C.V. (FEDECRÉDITO de C.V.), remittance companies with agencies in the country, exchange houses and other remittance disbursing companies. A complementary source of information is the results of the biennial survey of family remittance senders residing in the United States, through which remittances arriving in the country in cash are measured. The monthly data on family remittances for 2005 were revised due to the incorporation of information from remittance companies, and also in 2007 due to the expansion of the coverage of information from banks. On the other hand, since 2005, estimates of remittances sent to the country in cash were incorporated as a result of the coefficient of cash contained in family remittances determined through surveys of remittance senders residing in the United States. The remitter surveys are conducted every two years, so the intervening years between surveys are also adjusted to reflect the trend in cash receipts.