Quarterly GDP. Production and expenditure. Chained volume indexes. Original series (reference year 2014)
Data updated until:
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- (r) Revised figures
- (p) Preliminary Figures
- (e) Estimated Figures by Quarterly Sum
- Notes:
- 1/ Section S (Other Service Activities) includes Section T (Activities of Households as Employers).
- 2/ Chained volume indices are published only for Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) due to the volatility of changes in inventories as a closing variable of GDP by the expenditure approach, as one of the components of Gross Capital Formation. The chained volume indices and growth rates of Changes in Inventories (CI) lack economic interpretation. Additionally, as part of the strengthening of indicators on a quarterly basis, in March 2024, an updated series of private consumption from 2014 was published, resulting in a recomposition of the quarters, with no changes in the total annual average for the period 2005-2019.