Real Effective Exchange Rate Index - Monthly
Data updated until: May 2024


2023 2024
May (p) Jun (p) Jul (p) Aug (p) Sep (p) Oct (p) Nov (p) Dec (p) Jan (p) Feb (p) Mar (p) Apr (p) May (p)
104.28 100.86 104.84 104.27 104.86 102.74 104.09 104.84 104.79 105.98 106.52 105.99 106.18
109.83 109.92 110.14 110.39 110.47 110.03 109.66 110.38 110.62 111.10 111.75 111.87 111.83
112.51 112.07 112.50 112.50 112.64 112.33 113.26 114.72 114.47 114.59 115.26 116.08 115.69
Next Date of Publication : 31 July 2024
  •  The updated Real Exchange Rate Index has 2014 as the base year and moving weights of El Salvador's international trade with its main trading partners. The group of countries included in the calculation of the indicator are: United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Canada, Japan, South Korea and China.