Balance of Payments Annual
Million of US$
Data updated until: 2023


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2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
          (p)   (p)
-859.15 -113.36 276.70 -1,250.46 -2,182.17 -465.69
-1,247.58 -138.53 -936.77 -1,263.84 -1,248.26 -651.77
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  •  (p)= preliminary
  •  1. The country's family remittances are included and distributed in two balance of payments accounts: a) Current Account. Secondary Income of financial and non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs and within these in the detail of the personal transfers sub-account, particularly workers' remittances and b) Capital Account in what corresponds to financial and non-financial corporations, households and ISFLSH, as long as they are destined for a Salvadoran home.
  •  2. To improve direct investment abroad coverage and attending technical assistance recommendations, since 2020 information on positions, transactions and income incorporates mirror statistics data, taking into account the investment that Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama report as coming from El Salvador.