FDI: Net position according to two-digits ISIC Rev. 4. Since quarter I 2012
Million of US$
Data updated until:
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- Note 1: The net stock or positions offer accumulated information on the level of investment made in El Salvador and financed from abroad, at a given time. They refer to the accumulation of previous investments, as long as they imply a relationship between direct investors, direct investment companies and other affiliated companies. The flow and position data are presented in a net manner, considering that there may be entry and exit movements, which in some cases generate results with a negative sign.
- Note 2: The data on flows and positions obey the presentation of FDI according to the directional principle, where assets and liabilities are ordered depending on whether a non-resident controls or significantly influences a resident company ("direct investment in the reporting economy ", in this case in El Salvador), or vice versa ("direct investment abroad").
- Note 3: eventually the difference between the FDI positions of two periods and the recorded flows may not coincide due to the existence of variations in the market value due to: (a) exchange rate, (b) prices and/or (c ) other types of revaluations. Likewise, the preliminary published data may be adjusted due to: (a) expansions of coverage, (b) incorporation of information received out of time and/or (c) updating of information provided by the companies surveyed, usually by having audited financial statements.
- Note 4: declaration of confidentiality. The “C” indicates that the data is confidential, in response to the Statistical Secrecy to which the basic information used to generate FDI statistics is subject, not allowing the identification of individual sources, as established by the Organic Law of the BCR and the Law of Access to Public Information.